Direction Under Grace

Offering christian spiritual direction & Coaching




Hello Everyone, It's Tiger Here!
Reclaiming spiritual direction for 
the kingdom of God

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”  
Matthew 11:28-30 Message

Are you hungry to slow down from the hurried life and have authentic spiritual companionship? 
Do you feel disconnected and lonely despite the illusion of connection through social media? 
Who do you turn to for discussions about God? Of what truly is going on in your soul? 
Whether you find yourself feeling adrift in life, yearning for deeper connection, or sensing a new spiritual direction unfolding, who is there to listen? 

Spiritual Direction or "soul friend" is a time-honored tradition where a seeker meets with a seasoned individual on the spiritual journey for introspection, encouragement, and counsel. These sessions are held in strict confidence and are purposefully focused to listen to one another and the Spirit within.


Spiritual direction is an ongoing relationship where two people sit together in God’s presence while listening for the movement of God in the directee’s life. We don’t try to come up with solutions to the struggles along the way but listen to what God has to say about living life in God's presence amid the struggles. 

When we notice God amid life, space is created to respond and allow an experiential and intimate relationship to continue to grow. This deepening of our relationship with God impacts us and the world around us. 

There are times you may want to experience spiritual direction in community. There are a variety of ways to do this and I find group spiritual direction to be extremely transformational. No matter which format we use, group spiritual direction involves participants sharing honestly, listening to others’ sacred stories, and honoring paths that may be quite different from their own.

If you have a group (3 or more) who want to meet together for spiritual direction, let's discuss.   


Coaching is a series of conversations that helps you reflect on your own experience and empowers you to fully live out God’s calling– in your life, work, and relationships. It is more directive than spiritual direction but it still offers a space free of judgment and full of compassion where you can listen to your life and the Spirit of God.

As you experience a deep listening presence, reflection, and evocative questions, you can challenge your self-limiting beliefs, explore new perspectives, and make fresh discoveries and insights about yourself and your situation.

At the end of each coaching session, you choose the actions you want to implement toward reshaping your life around those discoveries.

The rhythm of listening, reflection, discovery, action, and reinforcement leads to transformation and progress.

To ‘listen’ another’s soul into a condition of disclosure and discover may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever perform for another. 

- Douglas Steere
Providing intentional space for your spiritual growth.
Would you like to have a deeper connection with God?
Do you need God's guidance, comfort, or healing?

Spiritual direction provides a safe space where you can...
  • Be seen, known, and loved
  • Share your story and be your authentic self
  • Slow down, be still, and listen for God’s voice
  • Become more aware of God’s presence and activity in your everyday life
  • Explore new spiritual practices
  • Experience God in new and life-giving ways
  • Learn to rest in God’s love
  • Seek God’s wisdom and guidance
  • Discover your true self and embrace who God designed you to be
  • Find healing for your relationships with self, God, and others
  • Care for your soul
  • Learn to abide (in Christ), not strive

“We meet not to problem-solve, or fix, but to observe life, discover God in that life, and be attentive to his promptings. Our focus is on God and his subterranean work in your inner life.”

-David Nixon, Sustainable Faith



Discernment Listening
"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10a
Are you processing a decision that doesn’t seem to have a clear direction forward? Do the possibilities before you clutter your process? Perhaps the uncertainty of what is unknown or the obstacles that appear in the way cloud your view. 

What if the wisdom you need is deep within you? Listening together in a discernment process in spiritual direction is often a helpful way to recognize our desires and hear the Holy Spirit leading. 

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If you are on a journey with Jesus in the reality of His Life in you, you've come to the right place! 

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Copyright © 2024 Tiger Teramura