(the "Directee")

Tiger Teramura

(the "Spiritual Director")
A Little About Spiritual Formation and Direction
Spiritual direction is an ongoing relationship in which two or more people sit together in God’s presence while listening for God's movement in the directee’s life. We don’t try to come up with solutions to the struggles along the way but listen to what God has to say about living life in God's presence amid the struggles. 
When we notice God amid life, space is created to respond and allow an experiential and intimate relationship to continue to grow. This deepening of our relationship with God impacts us and the people around us. The space I hold is compassionate, contemplative, and evocative. 
Spiritual Direction Disclosure and Covenant
Spiritual Direction as Contemplative Listening. Spiritual direction is a covenant relationship in which a director hosts a directee in discerning God's presence and invitations for Life. A regular rhythm of Spiritual Direction helps the directee notice and respond to God's presence and action in daily life. 
Purpose and Limitation. You are seeking spiritual direction in order to grow in self-awareness and interior freedom in your relationship with God, and subsequently in all your relationships. We are both “listening” within the context of a particular session. Although it is appropriate at times to discuss psychological and relational difficulties in the context of spiritual direction, I am not a psychotherapist, nor do I provide such services, though I can offer a referral if the need arises. Similarly, spiritual direction is not advice-giving for life choices, relationships, finances, or any legal matters. Please seek appropriate counsel from reliable agents. Any actions you take are done without my recommendation and are purely your responsibility. 

 Confidentiality. We will practice confidentiality regarding all that transpires in our session. I will hold the details of our conversations respectfully and in confidence. I meet regularly with my own supervisor, and during these sessions I may share generally about my part in conversations. I will NOT disclose identifying details with the following exceptions: Because I am bound by Virginia law for mandated reporting, and abide by the ethical principles which I have given to you in SDI's Guidelines for Ethical Conduct, I will reveal pertinent details about the content of our conversations if and only if (1) I am required to do so by law or court order; (2) I suspect child abuse, elder abuse, or the abuse of a dependent adult; or (3) I suspect a gross breach of ethics on the part of a fellow spiritual director, supervisor, or other helping professional. In all of these cases, however, I will work to protect to the fullest extent the private details of our conversations. 
Affiliations: I am a member of the Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association (ESDA). ESDA’s Code of Ethics can be found at www.graftedlife.org/spiritual-direction/esda/code-of-ethics 
A Little About Our Time Together 
Focus in Our Meetings: Spiritual direction times are centered on material or questions you bring. It is a time to reflect on and hold what God is doing in your life together in God’s presence. Often people don’t know what to talk about in our time together – yet, often, we find God’s movement in the ordinariness of our lives. 
Meeting Schedule: Direction meetings are usually spread out over three weeks to a month in between. You can schedule them on my website for in-person, zoom, or phone conversations. Cancellations, rescheduling, and running late can be handled over my online calendar, email or text. If you have questions or concerns in between, you may email me. In the time between our meetings, we can hold one another in prayer. 
Honoring our Time: Our appointment is reserved exclusively for you. We both commit to begin and end our sessions at the agreed-upon times. If you will be more than five minutes late, please call me. To cancel or change your appointment, contact me at least 24 hours in advance. If you do not give me 24-hour notice, please pay for the appointment time. 
Technology: There are limitations to engaging in Spiritual Direction online as opposed to in- person. You must recognize and accept these limitations, such as loss of electricity, internet connectivity, or computer malfunction.
Fee: My current fee for One-on-One Spiritual Direction is $100 for a 60-minute session. If you would like to pay in 6-session installments, there is a 10% discount. Payments can be made by credit card on Stripe. If necessary, I can also send an invoice to your email. I never want finances to be the reason you are unable to experience spiritual direction. If needed, please let me know and I am happy to discuss other options. 

I have read and understand the ethical guidelines, covenants, and purpose of our Spiritual Direction
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