“Spiritual direction is, in reality, nothing more than a way of leading us to see and obey the real Director—
the Holy Spirit hidden in the depths of our soul.”
—Thomas Merton


That's a question I’m asked often. Even though this ancient and respected Christian tradition is having a resurgence of interest these days among Christians of all backgrounds (because, let’s face it, there’s a real need today to slow down and connect more deeply with God), many people are still unfamiliar with it. 

To put it simply, spiritual direction is meeting with a trusted spiritual companion to become more aware of God's presence and activity in your life. It's a safe space where you can share your story, question, and listen for God. Spiritual direction helps you take your relationship with God to a deeper level as you become more attentive to the ways that God is moving, working, and speaking within you and your life.

Spiritual Direction Is Unique...

Because spiritual direction meets you where you are on your journey, you'll find it to be a very personalized experience. The sessions are a time of listening, conversation, and prayer following the leading of the Holy Spirit. My desire is to create a sacred space where you can...
  • be seen, known, and loved.
  • tell your story
  • seek God’s wisdom and guidance.
  • be still and listen for God’s voice.
  • hear God’s invitations.
  • explore new spiritual practices.
  • connect more deeply with God.
  • learn to rest in God’s love.
  • become more aware of God’s presence and activity in your everyday life.
  • discern God’s will and leading.
  • experience God’s comfort and healing.
  • seek peace in the midst of pain or difficulty.
  • explore doubts, questions, or fears.
  • surrender control.
  • discover your true self.
  • be more present in the moment.
  • care for your soul.
  • pursue healing for your relationships with self, God, and others.
  • learn to abide (in Christ), not strive.
 If any of this resonates with you and sounds like it might be helpful on your spiritual journey, I invite you to schedule a free consultation where you can learn more about spiritual direction, ask questions, share your story, and get to know me to see if we might be a good fit. 

I'm grateful to be on the journey with you!

Areas of interest / practice

  • Spiritual Formation & Soul Care
  • Contemplative Prayer
  • Guided Prayer and Meditation
  • Scripture Study and Memorization
  • Lectio Divina (Divine Reading of Scripture)
  • Embodied Exercises
  • Journaling 
  • Neuroscience and Neurofeedback
  • The Enneagram
  • Inner Healing (IFS)
  • Silence, Stillnesss and Solitude

According to Barna Group, 56% of Christians feel their spiritualt life is entirely private.1 In an individualistic society, this isn't surprising, but we were created to live in community. I specialize in group spiritual direction and enjoy seeing the Holy Spirit work in each of us to encourage and heal one another. Find out more how group spiritual direction 

"Let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds, not abandoning our own meeting together, as is the habit of some people, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near." (Heb 10:24-25)

Whether we meet one-on-one or in group spiritual direction, the Holy Spirit can work in one another’s lives to spurs us on to love and good deeds helping us grow into the head which is Christ. 

One on One Spiritual Direction session typically lasts one hour. Most people engage in these sessions on a monthly basis. Unlike counseling, which tends to be intensive and short-term, the Spiritual Direction relationship might be better thought of as journeying together over many miles and through all kinds of seasons. Many directee’s choose to incorporate this practice as a regular rhythm of their spiritual formation.

Group Spiritual Direction is a prayerful, conversational way of looking at one's life as the raw material for discerning the presence of God in a safe community. Group Spiritual Direction is not problem-centered like counseling, not skill-centered like mentoring, not issue-centered like coaching. While similar to those disciplines, Spiritual Direction centers explicitly on one's relationship with God—to awaken and strengthen that relationship. Our purpose through Group Spiritual Direction is to help you dust for God’s fingerprints in your life and the lives of those in the group.  These groups start throughout the year and generally run for 6-12 months.

A spiritual director guides you in attuning your spiritual ears and heart to God. Your sessions together will help you to recognize God's presence and activity in your everyday life so that you can hear God's invitations and say yes to God in life-giving ways. The Holy Spirit is our true Spiritual Director. 

Group Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is not only for individuals. In fact, group spiritual direction can be a very effective discernment tool as individuals listen on behalf of one another, providing a variety of insights, community connection, and nourishment for the soul. There are so many ways of doing group spiritiual direction and not one of them are the same.  A recommended format is 4-6 participants meetings once a month for 6 months. Sessions are 2 hours each. We practice confidentiality and you only need to commit to 6 sessions.

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