What is Spiritual Direction? How does it work? Is it for me? 

What is spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction is an ancient and respected Christian practice of meeting regularly with someone who walks with you on your spiritual journey as a companion—someone you trust and feel comfortable with who comes alongside to gently guide you in becoming more aware of the presence and movement of God in your everyday life. Spiritual direction creates a safe place where you can listen together and discern what God is doing and saying so that you can receive and respond to God’s loving invitations and guidance. It invites a deeper relationship with God, a clearer understanding of who you truly are, and a greater awareness of how God is working and where God is leading. For more information, visit my Spiritual Direction page.
How can I know if spiritual direction is right for me?
Would you like to have a deeper connection with God? Do you need God's guidance, comfort, or healing? Are you stressed out or burned out? Do you have unrest in your soul or nagging questions that keep you up at night? Or do you just want to live more fully each day, learning to abide rather than strive? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then spiritual direction could be beneficial for you. Because spiritual direction meets you where you are on your journey, with the Holy Spirit serving as the true director, it’s a very personalized experience. I invite you to schedule a free 30-minute phone or Zoom consultation where you can learn more about spiritual direction, ask questions, and see if we might be a good fit. 
What happens in a spiritual direction session?
Because each person and his or her journey is unique, spiritual direction looks different from person to person and session to session. But there are some common elements that help to create a general framework for our time together. Each session begins with a time of greeting as we share a few minutes of conversation. (Help yourself to a cup of coffee or tea, if you like.) We might begin our focused time with a moment of silence and a prayer or Scripture passage, or you might prefer to jump right in by talking about a question or issue you're bringing for discernment. We can begin in any way you feel comfortable. Throughout the session we will follow the Spirit's leading as we prayerfully talk, listen, reflect, and explore. Before we end, I'll offer a prayer and blessing.
What can I hope to get from a spiritual direction session?
My hope is that spiritual direction will help you move toward greater intimacy, healing, and wholeness in Jesus Christ. As part of that process, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Be seen, known, and loved
  • Tell your story and be your authentic self
  • Be still and listen for God’s voice
  • Become more aware of God’s presence and activity in your everyday life
  • Explore new spiritual practices
  • Experience God in new and life-giving ways
  • Learn to rest in God’s love
  • Seek God’s wisdom and guidance
  • Discover your true self and embrace who God designed you to be
  • Pursue healing for your relationships with self, God, and others
  • Care for your soul
  • Learn to abide, not strive
How often should we meet for spiritual direction?
Once a month is the typical frequency, though there may be times or seasons when meeting twice a month or every other month is appropriate and helpful. Just as regular attention to your physical health is important, a regular rhythm of spiritual direction helps you attend to your spiritual health. You’ll find that caring for your soul benefits your overall health and well-being.

Is there a fee for spiritual direction? 
Like many other professionals who have received proper training from an accredited school or training program, it is common for spiritual directors to charge a fee for their services. Recognizing the benefit of regular care for the soul, some churches cover a certain number of sessions or an amount per session. My current fee is $100 for a 60-minute session. There is a 10% discount if you pay for 6 sessions. 

What should I consider when choosing a spiritual director?
When choosing a counselor or therapist, you will want to select a spiritual director who is a good fit for you. However, that does not mean you need to find a a spiritual director who you like, connect with, or have gone through similar life experiences (ie. trauma, discrimmination, etc.) or even the same sex. C
hoosing a spiritual director requires the guidance of the Holy Spirit. A Spiritual Director who doesn't have similar "field of experience" as you, may be able to ask better questions and help you see things differently.   

While all certified spiritual directors have studied faith development, spiritual discernment, and contemplative practices, each one reflects the program where he or she received training, as well as his or her unique background, theology/beliefs, interests, and personality. Some have experience or additional training in specific areas, such as the Enneagram, journaling, inner healing, or the spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius. This is why learning about a spiritual director through her or his website and meeting for a consultation before beginning direction is helpful. For more information about me go to my About section.

How long should I see a spiritual director?
Once you find a spiritual director who is a fit for you, a good recommendation is to continue direction with that person for at least 6-12 sessions/months. Most spiritual directors will initiate an evaluation around that time, which will help you to discern whether or not the spiritual direction relationship is bearing fruit in this season in your relationship with God. Though spiritual growth is often slow and subtle, you should feel that your spiritual direction sessions are supporting and encouraging you to better notice what is happening in your own heart and relationship with God. The experience should be lifegiving. A spiritual direction relationship might last anywhere from several months to many years. If you discern at any point that the relationship is not a good fit or has served its purpose for this season, it’s perfectly fine to say you are being led elsewhere—and your director will be grateful to know this, rather than wondering why you’ve stopped coming.

Do I have to attend church or meet any other “requirements” in order to begin spiritual direction?
No. Spiritual direction is for anyone who desires to care for the soul or grow in intimacy with God—wherever you might be on your journey. (And as long as we’re breathing, there is room to grow!) Perhaps you’ve had a longing for “more” in your faith experience, a pull toward a deeper relationship with God, or even a persistent unrest. If you happen to feel disconnected from the church, you may find spiritual direction to be a safe place to share thoughts and emotions you’ve been unable to share elsewhere, facilitating healing. The invitation is always to come as you are and be seen, known, and loved. My desire is to create a safe space where everyone can find hospitality for the soul.
What is the difference between counseling and spiritual direction?
Unlike counseling, which addresses psychological issues and problem solving, spiritual direction focuses on your relationship with God—and is dependent on the leading of the Holy Spirit. The focus is on intimacy with God, not on solving problems. Sometimes during spiritual direction, it may become apparent that therapeutic work with a licensed counselor also would be beneficial. I have connections with a number of counselors and would be able to make a referral or recommendation if desired. It may be appropriate to put spiritual direction on hold until after doing therapy, but generally it is helpful to continue both simultaneously since, as mentioned, spiritual direction focuses on your relationship with God.
Do you lead seminars, workshops, or retreats for groups and organizations?
Yes. I’m available to lead retreats, workshops, and classes for churches and other organizations related to soul care, spiritual formation, practices, guided meditation, and other creative tools of self-discovery and healing. I also partner with my wife, Susie Teramura, who is a published writer/poet/artist, and we do pre-marital counseling together. 

What if I have a question that’s not answered here?
If you’ve browsed my site and still have an unanswered question, please contact me!


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